

A new year offers new hopes, new dreams, new ex- pectations. Certainly, our friends in Ukraine are praying 2023 brings better days in the new year. I realize much of our newsletter commentary in 2022 was about the war in Ukraine. We do not intend to tire people of hearing about it. Our only concern […]

Orphans Helping Orphans

That is a strange title, I know – ORPHANS HELPING ORPHANS. Please allow me to explain. In the summer I received a call from Greg Conway, Director of Tulsa Boys Home. The Home has been in existence for decades in our home city, Tulsa, OK. Greg has been Director for 25 years. He told me […]

Punch Back

House of Joy

As I type this, things are tense around Kahovka, Ukraine, and House of Joy. Kahovka is in Kherson state, which was quickly occupied by the Russian army at the end of February as the war began. Apparently, Ukraine has mounted a counter-offensive in an effort to drive the invaders out. This has meant multiple explosions […]

Church in Times of War

Helping people in Ukraine

Many have wondered how the churches in Ukraine are faring during the war. The following article was written for us by a very close friend, Pastor Maksym Bilousov. I think his faith-filled words say it best. Twenty-five years ago, we began ministering alongside Pastor Maksym and his beautiful wife Yulia in Ukraine. They have two […]

War Brings Change at House of Joy

Ukrain street with dilapidated buildings

House of Joy is in the state of Kherson in southern Ukraine, bordering Crimea. If you have followed the news, you know this is one of three states in Ukraine that Putin has openly stated he wants to take from Ukraine. The obvious motive is Black Sea port control. Therefore, since early in the war, […]

Turmoil in Ukraine

I made a trip to Ukraine in February. Of course, some questioned the wisdom of such a decision, rightfully so given the rumblings of war that have prevailed there. Let me just say that it was essential for our ministry endeavors that continue in Ukraine. As I write, I have been home less than 24 […]