
monthly newsletter


As we begin 2023, the news cycle has not changed. Uncertainty abounds in the hearts of many. There is one thing I am certain of; God is always at work even when we cannot see it. He will prevail. Nothing can prevail against Him and His plan. We must remember that His Kingdom is not in jeopardy no matter the world’s condition. In John 9 Jesus healed a man who had been born blind. His condition seemed hopeless. Jesus gave him his sight. This upset the religious crowd and they peppered the man with questions. Who did this? Where is He? How did Hedo it? His reply was repeatedly, “I do not know.” As they continued their interrogation, he finally stopped saying, Ido not “know”. In verse 25 he said, “One thing I know; though I was blind, now I see.”

You may be facing something at the start of this year that you do not know how it will turn out. It may look impossible. May I encourage you to focus on what we DO KNOW – God is able! He makes the impossible possible. We believe in you. In the midst of such uncertain times in Ukraine, we thank you for helping us provide help and hope to many across the country through the network of churches we work with. Following is a thank you letter received recently from Bishop Murakh. He is the overseer of nearly 60 churches. We have been heavily involved in helping people in his city, Khmelnytsky, through his church and another church, Dawn of Life Church. His thanks are to you, our ministry partners.

The Khmelnytsky Regional Association of Ukrainian Pentecostal Churches is sincerely grateful to Jim King Ministries, and we thank God for you, your prayers, and the financial support that you send our way. We keep ministering to people who suffer from the war in Ukraine. Weekly, our churches hand out food sacks to the internally displaced people and send humanitarian aid to the regions that got most of the damage – Kherson, Mykolayiv, and Donetsk. At this point the churches of the Khmelnytsky region host 125 internally Displaced People in their church buildings. These people attend all the church services, and the majority of them made their covenant with the Lord. We praise the Lord and thank you for staying with us in such a time as this! May God reward you according to His riches in glory. May His mercy, grace, blessings, and peace be with you always!

Prayerfully, Bishop Rostyslav Murakh


For the first time since 2005, all of the children of House of Joy could not celebrate Christmas together. In recent months we have had to take protective action. They are securely placed in private homes and not physically staying at the orphanage. We are so very grateful to many Ukrainian families who have opened their homes. The children did get to celebrate Christmas and receive gifts in the homes where they are staying. Thanks to all of you who generously made that possible. The staff is keeping in touch with the host families. All of the children are healthy and safe.

Prayer Points

• Safety of HOJ staff, children, and host families. In mid-Januarybuildings were hit within a block of House of Joy orphanage. Windows were broken in the building, but no damage to the building itself.

• Encouragement for our team

• A way of escape to safety for those trapped in occupied areas

• Provision for the many churches that are sheltering and providing for those displaced

• Wisdom for every decision. We do not know the future, but our God does!

• Yulia Nikishenko’s shoulder injury

• This war to end quickly and no more innocent people to die

• A number of friends and ministry partners who are facing serious health challenges. We believe in them for healing.


In mid-February I was in Ukraine. All was peaceful and quiet. That quickly changed four days after I left. On February 24, Russia attacked Ukraine

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In August of 2022, I met with a close friend, Tom Greene, who has been involved in Fire Bible distribution around the world. The Fire

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A new year offers new hopes, new dreams, new ex- pectations. Certainly, our friends in Ukraine are praying 2023 brings better days in the new

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