Israel Relief
In Genesis 12:3 the Lord promises to bless those who bless Israel. Our focus in Israel is to strengthen churches and meet the material needs of people.
As we witness the fulfillment of Bible prophesy and the Jewish people returning to their homeland in the last days, Israel’s populace has become 20% Russian speaking. Because of our extensive work with Russian-speaking people groups for over 30 years, we began ministry in Israel in 1999 among immigrant Russian speaking Jewish congregations. We began by establishing Bible schools via DVD format. The Bible school program also trains people in Israel using Hebrew, English, and French, as well.
In Israel many of those served are immigrants from other countries who are returning to the Jewish homeland (aliyah) in fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Some of the ways we accomplish our mission is:
Establishing Bible schools
Ministry conferences
Ministry in and to the local churches
Humanitarian efforts, providing food, clothing, finances, furniture, household supplies
Helping purchase vehicles whereby supplies can be delivered and people taken to church on the Sabbath.
Providing resources for ministry to children’s hospital
Sponsoring events for Jewish Holocaust Survivors
War Releif
The war beginning October 7, 2023, changed everything in Israel. About two weeks prior to October 7th Pam and I were on the military base on the Gaza strip that was attacked that day. The commander is a friend of ours. Our relationship with people in the IDF has opened opportunity for us to assist. In various areas of need brought about by the war.