Church Planting
We made our first journey into the former Soviet Union in the early 1990’s. Our primary focus quickly became church planting. We saw thousands of people respond in evangelistic crusades, yet often we would be left feeling empty, as there were few churches for the people to attend enabling them to grow in their new faith.
Our mission became clear - plant churches and put tools in their hands that will help them grow into a healthy, self-sustaining, growing Body of Believers. It is not difficult to start a church. The greater challenge is to see it develop to a place where it reaches its own people and others. This is evangelism brought to fruition. To God’s glory we have seen 215 churches planted.
In 2024 we began planting churches in communities that have been devastated by the war with Russia. We purchase small modular buildings where Believers can gather to worship in these war-torn areas. For $20,000 we can put a building in place. Seven additional church plants with new buildings are in process now.
Our church planting efforts can only be successful with training and discipleship programs. We work in partnership with leaders of like faith in these countries to plant and develop these churches.